Terms of Sale

Kartkungen uses the latest technology when it comes to credit card payments online through Payson

Payson (http://www.payson.se).

Kartkungen uses the latest technology when it comes to credit card payments online through Payson (http://www.payson.se). We can also offer PayPal as an alternative. Either option is safe and simple.

Delivery information
Foreign orders
Maps with the size 90x60cm are normally sent from Sweden with UPS, EMS International and DHL.

We reserve the right to use other shipping methods without your knowledge. The product(s) is sent as soon as possible after the order is fully paid and we see it on our bank account.

Estimated delivery time is usually 3-5 business days after successful payment. This will not apply if the order is made on a weekend, holiday or day before a holiday etc. In that case, it will be sent the next business day after the payment has been completed.

It’s very important that you provide the correct mobile number and e-mail where you can be reached directly. Notifications from carriers are handled by SMS or E-mail. Pinboard King may also try to reach you to discuss matters concerning other carrier, shipping methods and more. So we ask you to be available on the mobile number you provided for the next 12 hours of ordering. We point this out so Pinboard King can have the shortest delivery times possible.

Terms and Conditions
Advance payment through Payson or Paypal.
We’ll have up to 5 business days for us to arrange a new product, if the Stock information is wrong and we currently do not have the paid product in store. You’ll get a full refund if we fail to arrange a new product in that time. Every order is logged and IP-addresses are saved.

Bank Details

Svenska Handelsbanken
BIC/SWIFT-adress: HANDSESS / SE73 6000 0000 0003 1828 3581

Kartkungen Sverige AB
Roddaregatan 11a
46235 Vänersborg, Sweden

Bank gironumber: 145-5765

Damaged Goods
If the product is at the collection point in a visibly damaged state, it should be returned to us without you collecting it.

You should contact Pinboard King if the product is damaged during freight and you’ve collected the product. Be prepared to take pictures on the damaged item and save the packaging and contents.

All shipment costs and other costs will be handled by the costumer. Pinboard King only refunds the products value.
A return handling fee of 99 SEK will be deducted from all return for maps up to size 90cm x 60cm or products valued up to 990 SEK. For maps/products with a value higher than 990 SEK the return handling fee will deduct 199 SEK.

The return handling fees are including VAT for private customers and are excluding VAT for business/government customers. We’ll charge double shipping costs if the products are not collected. The invoice has to be fully paid within 10 days. Otherwise the invoice will be sent to debt collection.

Have the front of the item facing down in the packaging when returning it! Crediting/Refund
Estimated time with crediting is normally 2-5 days, depending on which bank you have. It may be longer during holidays.

Do you have any questions?
The simplest way to reach Pinboard King is to E-mail: kundtjanst@kartkungen.com Alternatively you can call (+46) 521-740405 during weekdays 10.00AM – 03.00PM (UTC/GMT+2).

All images on the website belong to Kartkungen.
Kartkungen is registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office. All logos are patented at the Swedish Patent and Registration Office and at OHIM.