Kartkungen started after a travel around the world 2009 when the founder, Erik Fransson, wondered how many places he had actually visited in the world and that it would be fun to mark these places with pins. There were maps to buy with these functions, but they were too expensive and he was broke after the trip around the world. So instead he wanted to do his own for cheap. However his own map ended up being three times as expensive as the other map he wanted to buy, some years earlier. Even so, due to his stubbornness his map finally came up on the wall.
When the map finally came up on the wall, many of his friends wanted to buy it. So he sold the one he had already made and made another one, and another one, and another one… and that was it. During the summer of 2011 he expanded his range with a lot more models of both variants and sizes. And 2012 he sold so many maps that he decided it was time to open a web shop where he could sell all of his products and that became Kartkungen.com.
2014 expanded its range with even more products.
2015 Kartkungen became a Limited Company and is now called Kartkungen Sweden AB.
Kartkungen Sweden AB has a daily sale to all over world.
During spring 2015 Kartkungen will launch sister sites to other countries.
Kartkungen www.kartkungen.com
Kartkungen maps are made and packaged by hand in Vänersborg, Sweden.